

UCC's World Mental Health Day 2023 Initiative: Supporting Security and Fire Staff's Mental Well-being

Mental health is an integral component of our overall well-being, influencing our thoughts, emotions, actions, physical health, relationships, work, and life satisfaction. Unfortunately, a substantial portion of the global population grapples with mental health conditions that significantly impact their quality of life and overall well-being. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in eight individuals worldwide struggle with mental health challenges.

Imagine a world where one in eight people you know silently wrestles with their mental health. Now, imagine the impact of reaching out to them with compassion and understanding.

Event Description

To commemorate World Mental Health Day 2023, the mental health unit of the University of Cape Coast hospital, in partnership with the Directorate of University Health Services, organized a community mental health outreach program specifically tailored for the university's security and fire service personnel. The primary objective of this initiative was to provide essential support for the mental health and well-being of these employees, who face unique stressors and challenges within their roles.

Program Activities

The program featured a comprehensive array of activities, including:

1. Mental Health Screening and Vital Sign Assessment: Participants underwent mental health assessments, accompanied by checks of vital signs such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and malaria tests.

2. Informative Sessions: There were informative sessions that addressed a range of mental health issues, the common stressors inherent to their profession, and the vital importance of seeking help when necessary.

3. Resource Dissemination: The program aimed to inform attendees about the available mental health resources within the university and the local community. This included counseling services, support groups, and crisis hotlines.

The Extension

In response to the needs of the staff, the program was extended to the next day, October 11, 2023. This extension accommodated those employees who were unable to participate on the first day.

Benefits of the Program

The program was tailored to benefit the staff by enabling them to:
  • Effectively manage stress and boost their productivity: Through stress-reduction techniques and coping strategies.
  • Enhance their overall well-being and happiness: By providing tools for maintaining mental well-being.
  • Prevent or seek treatment for mental health conditions: Through early detection and education.
  • Access support and care when needed: By promoting the availability of resources and destigmatizing seeking help.

Why Mental Health is a Universal Human Right

The theme for World Mental Health Day 2023, "Mental Health is a Universal Human Right," accentuates the significance of ensuring that everyone, regardless of their profession, is entitled to mental well-being. The University of Cape Coast Hospital outreach program serves as a tangible example of this commitment by extending essential mental health services to the Security and Fire Service personnel, who often bear the weight of their responsibilities in silence.

One of the security officers who found solace and support in the program, highlighed that mental health knows no boundaries.

This theme underscores the urgent need to enhance awareness, knowledge, and action that promotes and safeguards mental well-being as a universal right. This encompasses the right to:

  • Protection from mental health risks
  • Access to available, accessible, acceptable, and high-quality care
  • Liberty, independence, and inclusion within the community

A person's mental health condition should never be a reason to deprive them of their human rights or exclude them from decisions about their health. Unfortunately, individuals with mental health conditions continue to face various human rights violations, including exclusion from community life, discrimination, inadequate access to mental health care, and in some cases, involuntary treatments.

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day 2023 offers a platform for stakeholders involved in mental health advocacy to discuss their initiatives and emphasize the need for more robust mental health care. It also provides an opportunity for the public to learn about their fundamental right to mental health and how to protect the rights of others. Addressing the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health is a collective responsibility.

Concluding Remarks

Mental health, it's something we all deserve to cherish and safeguard. It's a fundamental right, and we each have a part to play in making sure that good mental health is a reality for everyone. Let's unite, celebrate World Mental Health Day 2023, and take action by raising awareness and showing compassion.

Article Sources & References: 

1. World Mental Health Day 2023 - World Health Organization (WHO)

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  1. This is great piece. And kudus to UCC DUHS, Mental Heath Unit in Charge, staff, and interns for such a needful initiative. Mental health should not be taken for granted.


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