

UCC's Bold Vision: Unveiling the 2023-2027 Corporate Strategic Plan for Global Excellence

Former Vice-Chancellor Prof. Domwini Dabire Kuupole

In a groundbreaking development, the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has unveiled its ambitious five-year Corporate Strategic Plan (2023-2027), aimed at steering the institution's growth and development. The unveiling ceremony took place at the School of Graduate Studies Auditorium, where former Vice-Chancellor Prof. Domwini Dabire Kuupole emphasized the plan's significance in guiding the university towards realizing its vision.

This new Corporate Strategic Plan is built upon five key strategic objectives, all strategically designed to position UCC as a global center for innovative thinkers. The objectives include offering demand-driven programs, integrated practical entrepreneur courses, and fostering an environment conducive to responsible research, innovation, and knowledge transfer.

During the launch, Prof. Kuupole, who served as the Special Guest of Honour, highlighted the importance of visionary direction, adaptability to change, resource optimization, enhanced collaboration, and a robust framework for measurement and evaluation in ensuring the success of any academic institution. He underscored the vital role of effective leadership management in bringing the 2023-2027 strategic plan vision to fruition.

"The realization of the Corporate Strategic Plan heavily depends on our collective commitment, dedication, and adapting leadership," Prof. Kuupole stated, emphasizing the need for strong leadership commitment, stakeholder involvement, and adaptive management.

Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong

In his address, the current Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, emphasized the importance of an agile education system that responds to societal shifts and industry demands. He expressed the belief that the plan lays the foundation for curriculum development to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and adaptability needed to excel in an ever-changing world.

"By fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, we aim to empower our graduates to become leaders who drive positive change," Prof. Boampong asserted, calling on all university stakeholders to actively contribute to the smooth implementation of the Corporate Strategic Plan.

To ensure the plan's success, Prof. Boampong announced plans for a retreat in January 2024, where university office holders will collaboratively strategize to achieve the set goals.

Prof. Daniel Agyapong

The highlights of the Strategic Plan were presented by Prof. Daniel Agyapong, Chairman of the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan Committee. Prof. Agyapong noted that the committee engaged in extensive consultations with stakeholders within and outside the university to compile the plan.

"We have gone through the processes, through Academic Board to Council, so we are determined to position the University as a globally acclaimed University for innovative teaching, research, outreach, and professional development," Prof. Agyapong emphasized. He also highlighted the incorporation of environmental consciousness into the core values of the university with the new Corporate Strategic Plan.

Article Sources/References

1. UCC unveils five-year Corporate Strategic Plan - University of Cape Coast

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